April 2018 Partner Update

Published April 6th, 2018

Dear Partners,

What a lovely winter we've been having this Spring! Although some of us are still recovering from Loyola-Chicago* raining on our March Madness parade, the Acceptd Team is throwing on our shades because the season ahead is looking bright. Our tech team has been busy developing some cool new features that will have our partners puddle-jumping for joy. Our AR Specialists are already prepping for next year because like a spring thunderstorm, the 2018-19 application cycle will sneak up on you (don't get caught without your umbrella). We also put together an April foolproof guide that will help you debunk the most common myths about the processes and livelihood of career artists.

*Speaking of Cinderella stories, our company - and our fearless leaders - were nominated for the 2018 BBB Spark Award. #IfTheShoeFits. Check out the nomination video below.

Here's to an April that fairs better than our brackets!

The Acceptd Team

Upcoming Orientations

April Training:
April showers bring May flowers, and our team provides the sunshine. Join us on Wednesday, April 11th at 1pm Eastern for our monthly training that sheds light on the platform. Whether you are just sprouting as a new partner or thriving through the many seasons as a veteran user, we're here to help you grow. Click here to sign up for the training and we'll help your skills blossom.

Tech Updates

New tech is blooming, and trust us, it'll grow on you:

Edit Documentation for Recommenders/References: If you use the recommendation request feature through Acceptd, you'll be excited to learn that as an Account Owner or Program Manager, you can now upload letters or complete the forms for recommenders or references, if needed. You'll find a new button under the "Documentation" tab in application review, called "Edit Documentation." With this button, you will be able to see exactly what the recommender or reference would see and complete it on their behalf.

Table Connection Buttons: We love making connections. Our development team has added several helpful tables over the past few years and now they've created a seamless connection between them to help you navigate more quickly. Using the App ID, you can go directly from the Submissions table to Critiques, Timeslots, or Documentation and automatically filter to the applicant you are working with (and visa versa). You can find these links in the columns selection window for each table:

Remember, if you have questions about any of the features on Acceptd, you can visit our help desk: acceptdaccountrelations.zendesk.com. Account Relations is also available on live chat if you have a spur of the moment question during the day! You can find the help/chat button in the bottom right corner of your screen, when logged into Acceptd.

Acceptd - Culture from Team Acceptd on Vimeo.

Spark Award: What to say when your company was nominated for a prestigious award?

O Captain! My Captain! Acceptd, led by Don Hunter and Derek Brown, has been nominated for the BBB’s 2018 Spark Awards, a Torch Award for Entrepreneurship, recognizing millennial entrepreneurial organizations whose leaders have generated a culture that is #fire (read: authentic about its mission). Watch this 3-minute nomination video to get a feel of our company culture, and why we are so excited to come to work and pursue our mission every day.

*Comic and art by ZeTrystan

5 Myths About Being an Artist - Debunked

Don't be an April fool. Myths about what it means to pursue the artist’s path have been around for as long as, well, artists have been creating. From their perfectionist tendencies and eccentric personalities to the moody temperaments and emotional chaos that must inspire (and also eventually derail - I'm looking at you, Van Gogh) their forms of expression, these stereotypes persist despite the diversity of artists working today and the many insights into their lives and process that they willingly reveal. Here are a couple whoppers we've seen over the years:

Myth #1: The Starving Artist
Snooze. This age-old ism is the go-to sentiment of non-artists commenting on the lives of artists. There seems to be a general cultural consensus that artists are unable to make adequate income with their art. Those who are examples of acute success are often dismissed as being "lucky" or "in the right place at the right time." In this denial-fueled mode of thought, artists often receive their success from a noble, wealthy patron who rides in like Lin Manuel Miranda on a white stallion dispensing favor and social connections. Despite how seriously awesome that sounds, we are all examples of thriving artists who got to where we are through hard work and hustle. Cheers to you - the example you set for the artists in your programs will help this myth continue to be debunked.

Myth #2: The Baby Genius
The Baby Genius Myth is built on the assumption that all artists popped out of the womb mid-monologue, instrument in one hand, and paint brush in the other. We often hear "You're so lucky - you were born talented" (usually followed by, "I can’t even draw a stick figure!"). Cool. Maybe artists are born with an interest in art, maybe, but it takes years of practice and dedication to become good at any craft. It's a no-brainer. Example: every baby ever. Pretty sure little Suzy won't be nailing fouetté turns on her first go of them.

Myth #3: The Suffering Soul
This myth revolves around the romantic idea that artists need to suffer in order to make good art. While it's true that art is often inspired by strong emotions and impactful life experiences, living in chaos, despair, and struggle isn't the crux of artistic production or success. We don't need to cut off an ear or murder our wives as a "right of passage" - trust. Do you want to be productive and successful? Get back in the studio or up on the stage and continue to work.

Myth #4: The Artist Who Doesn't Work, But Plays All Day

Myth #5: The Clueless Businessperson
This myth operates under the premise that artists =/= entrepreneurs. Anyone who is self-employed (or just building experience) must have some sense of business or they would be out of business and out of luck (Ya don't say?). When not creating, artists are tackling taxes, building websites, scheduling book signings, developing portfolios, writing bios, scheduling auditions, entering competitions, running workshops, giving presentations, networking, etc. etc. Sounds pretty business-savvy to us.

There you have it. So next time someone in your family, friend circle, or noisy coffee shop alludes to one of these works of fiction, you can drop some knowledge. Any more myths that you've heard in regards to your specific arts area? We'd love to hear your story!

Planning for 2018-19 Cycles and Recruitment

Ring-ring! It's your AR Specialist calling. This year we are getting ahead of the game to plan and prep for your next application cycle. Want to get ahead of the game with us? Here are some tips and tricks:

  1. Send a quick message to your AR Specialist with your desired application open date. This will help us determine the right time to archive last year's submissions and get re-setup for your next cycle.
  2. Brush up on your Acceptd Skills. Particularly, how to edit your landing page and guidelines with updated information for next year. Once your AR Specialist gives you the thumbs up, you can take the lead on updating these parts of your account.
  3. Schedule a time to chat about your goals with us. Connect with Emily, Hannah or Bryn to establish goals for the coming year and discover ways to meet and exceed them.

Did you know that in 2017 The Acceptd team ran more than 100 marketing campaigns for colleges, universities, symphonies, orchestras, museums and other arts organizations? That equates to millions of emails sent, Facebook impressions served, Google ads clicked and organic search rankings achieved.

Live Chat

You may have heard from Emily Brown, Hannah Lawrence, or Bryn Sowash on our new chat feature in the last few weeks. Even though we will drop in to say hello every once in a while, we'd love to hear from you, too! If you can't figure out how to save a view, update your guidelines, or if just want to say hey, hit your AR team up on Live Chat. No more switching back and forth between your Acceptd account and your inbox. Click the green "Help" button on the bottom right of your screen and select "Live Chat". After hours, the message will be sent directly to our inbox for prompt attention in the morning.

We love to hear from you! Our Account Relations team is here to help if you have questions or comments. Contact us at accountrelations@getacceptd.com or 614.610.9991.

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