November 2016 Update

Published November 30th, 2016

Dear Partners,

We hope you had a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving! For this month's update, read below to see how you can take advantage of some exciting new marketing opportunities at Acceptd and to check out our new home base!

Introducing Acceptd’s Newest Marketing Channels

We may be nearing the end of 2016, but that does not mean your marketing efforts need to end! This time of year, in fact, is when we experience the highest amount of artist traffic on our site, so it is an ideal time to reach the masses in creative, effective ways.

You might be familiar with marketing solutions like our blog, spotlight emails, and social media promotions, but check out four of the newest marketing channels we have launched here at Acceptd. In rolling out these new solutions, we hope to continue helping you nurture artists at all steps of the recruitment process.  

 1) Pandora Advertising

Acceptd partners with Pandora, the leader in Internet radio, to offer highly targeted image and audio ads. By working with Acceptd, you can reach Pandora listeners based on geography, age, and area of interest with your custom audio ad and images. Note: Pandora requires a minimum budget depending upon the market you target.pandora

 2) Google AdWords Retargeting

Let’s make your Google AdWords campaign even more effective! With this channel, we’ll implement tracking codes on your Acceptd landing page so your Google display ads will specifically target the applicants who visit your landing page when they browse the thousands of websites on the Google network. Note: This requires we have access to both your AdWords account and Google Analytics account during program set up.

 3) Advanced Metrics

It’s been said that only half of marketing works, the trick is knowing what half. We can help solve that mystery. Our advanced metrics platform allows you to track Facebook, Twitter, search, advertising, email, applications, and much more on one online tool. Forget remembering a dozen passwords and building complex spreadsheets, we can provide the business intelligence to help you make the most of your marketing.advanced-metrics-2

 4) Agency Services

How can you stay current on email regulations, Google’s algorithm, and social media best practices while still doing your day job? Let Acceptd help! Our dedicated and experienced Digital Marketing Agency can launch, manage, and grow your search engine optimization, online advertising, social media, email, and analytic programs.

Our marketing team is on hand to help craft a custom campaign that aligns with your goals, targets your desired audience, and provides you with detailed metrics and tracking! Space is limited and already filling up for 2017, so be sure to contact us before the end of the year with questions or to reserve your spot.

If you would like to learn more about how you can market with Acceptd, please visit our marketing website or contact the Account Relations team at If you have a separate marketing contact at your organization, please feel free to pass this information along to him or her as well!

Our New Address

We moved! Acceptd has found a new home, so be sure to adjust our address information in your records.

1300 6th Ave
Columbus, GA 31901


Questions or Feedback?

We would love to hear from you! If you have questions or you would like to learn more, please contact your Account Relations team at or 614.610.9991. You can also always visit our Account Relations FAQ page for more helpful information.

If you have any feedback regarding how we can improve your Acceptd experience, please contact us at Thank you!

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