West Chester Student Q+A with Darby MacAdams

Published September 19th, 2019

The Wells School of Music at West Chester University prepares students to excel as talented and creative individuals. As an All-Steinway School with accreditation through the National Association of Schools of Music, the Wells School of Music offers six Bachelor of Music degree options including performance, education, composition, theory, history, and elective studies with an outside field. Students will spend most of their time in the Swope Music Building, home to the Wells School of Music, where they will have access to multiple instructional, rehearsal, and performance spaces - such as the Presser Music Library, the Center for Music Technology. All in the artistic community of West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Today, we are speaking with a current student at West Chester’s Wells School of Music, to see how the program has impacted her life, and her future in music. Let’s meet Darby MacAdams, Wells School of Music Class of 2020.

Think back to when you were 18 and deciding where to study for your undergraduate program. What were some of the major factors that helped you choose West Chester?

Visiting campus! WCU’s campus is perfect for me: not overwhelmingly-large, beautiful flowers everywhere, gorgeous historical buildings, and just a short walk from the borough of West Chester.

What would you tell a high school student considering West Chester?

WCU is a well-respected and affordable school. Class sizes are small, so you can easily get to know all of your professors, and they get to know you. Plus, there are many diverse opportunities for involvement and leadership all around campus.

What do you plan to do with the arts in the future? And how has West Chester helped you prepare?

After graduation, I hope to get a job as an orchestra director at a high school. The Wells School of Music at WCU has given me many professional opportunities like being able to work in real classrooms starting my first year here, and joining national music educator groups like NAfME and ASTA.

Although entering the workforce is a scary thought, I know I'll be prepared thanks to WCU.

What has been the most valuable thing you learned from West Chester?

Of course, WCU has taught me how to be the best educator I can be, but it's also taught me how to be a good community member, friend, and leader.

Are there any particularly important/special professors, groups, or activities that have enriched your experience at West Chester?

My private lesson teacher Professor Peter Paulsen, and orchestra director Professor Joseph Caminiti, have both been instrumental (haha) in my professional, emotional, and musical growth.

My favorite thing about West Chester is:

All of the dogs around campus!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

Parks and Rec is my current addiction, and Leslie Knope is my spirit-human.

• •

If you want to learn more about this program (or apply!) visit the West Chester University Wells School of Music landing page!

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